Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Barcelona in a Nutshell

Barcelona: Gaudí’s dreamland. Whatever he imagined, he made. Everything he created is wonderful in it’s own crazy, unique way. I’ve never been more impressed with a church in my entire life. Spain is full of churches. In fact, a city is not recognized as a city until it builds a cathedral (a little fact I learned in my Art History class here). Once you’ve seen five churches it seems like you’ve seen them all. La Sagrada Familia is nothing like that. Gaudí wanted to create a Basilica that demonstrated the life and history of the Holy Family. Work began when Gaudí was still alive and it’s still unfinished. Each façade represents something different and significant in Jesus’s life. The inside is just as amazing as the outside. I can’t even put into words how much I loved La Sagrada Familia, but I’m sure once I get back I’ll discuss it with everyone I see!

Barcelona was definitely event filled. We visited La Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, FC Barcelona and Las Ramblas. Everything was wonderful! We rode a tourist bus around the city to get the full picture of Barcelona and it was definitely worth it! Park Güell is another one of Gaudí’s creations. If you’ve ever seen the finale of America’s Next Top Model Cycle 7, it takes place in Barcelona and specifically the Park Güell (this is the one where they are deranged brides for the final runway show!). The whole park is funky and the entrance buildings slightly resembled gingerbread houses, but it was so neat! Gaudí was inspired by nature, so this was an easy thing for him to create. FC Barcelona is the “fútbol” stadium (for the English speakers: fútbol is their word for soccer). It was very expensive for us to take the tour so we only saw the outside, but the Spanish really love their soccer!

Of course knowing my luck with trips in Europe it started to rain on Saturday. When I say rain that’s a complete understatement. I was shopping at the market on Las Ramblas when the sky started to turn VERY dark. I figured I had some time before the rain hit, but I was so wrong. We had just finished walking around the stalls when the sky opened up and poured rain. We immediately ran to the street corner and tried to hail a taxi, which proved fruitless. Not one taxi would pick us up since we weren’t at a specified “taxi stand.” Thanks Spain! Once we finally made it to the taxi stand it took another 20 minutes to get a taxi to stop! By now I’m utterly drenched and miserable. I couldn’t see anything around me because of the downpour. Finally, a cab picked us up and took us back to our hostel (I’ll get to that part!). When we got out of the cab the water was up to mid-calf and it was hailing. This was not little hail either, but hail the size of a ping-pong ball. Not only did this hurt, it made it impossible to get into the lobby of the hostel. The whole downstairs of the hostel was flooded, but thankfully we were staying on the second floor. What a disaster! My Spanish mother told me about a similar experience she had in Barcelona before I left, but she assured me it wouldn’t rain. She seemed to think it doesn’t rain in July, only in August. Needless to say, once I returned to Valladolid I told her the whole story until she was almost crying she was laughing so hard. Oops!
 One of the girls here knows a friend who staid in Barcelona for a period of time. Apparently she recommended this hostel, which turned out to not be that bad. It was more of a hotel than a hostel. Sarah and I were able to have a room to ourselves and it was clean, so I was happy. The funny part was the bathroom. It was TINY! I’m pretty sure you could use the bathroom, put on makeup and shower at the same time. Sarah said it compared to the bathroom she had on a cruise. Don’t worry, I’ll post pictures! This fancy hostel even had a pool on the roof, which we never got to use due to the rain, but at least it was well equipped!

Looking back on it, it was a wonderful trip. I definitely came out of it with many stories to tell and a new favorite building! I don’t think I got to fully experience all Barcelona has to offer, so I’d love to return in the future. As for now, I leave for Milan and Venice tomorrow. I can’t wait! It’s surreal that I’ve already been here five weeks. Time flew by! The family arrives in exactly a week and I can’t wait to see them! It will be really fun to spend time with them in a country I love. 

We were just a little wet!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, that rain picture got me. Your other pictures are priceless!! What was that beside the bed? Almost every location has given you some sort of surprise. Can’t wait to hear about that Milan trip: the Shopping Experience mostly:)
