Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Croissants, Champagne & Crepes!

I LOVE PARIS!!!! Paris is incredible! Every building is beautiful and it's surprisingly a really clean city. I'm not joking when I say that we saw every major sight in Paris in two days. I've never so exhausted, but at the same time I can't say that I didn't love it!

My major problem was the language barrier. I study Spanish and obviously I know English, but French is a whole different story. I know bonjour, merci, au revoir, and i can count to three. That's the extent of my French knowledge. Apparently I look like I would know some French because every time I said bonjour to the waiters or cab drivers they continued to speak in French to me. Problem. I just stared back with a blank face until they switched to English. Although, the language issue provided plenty of amusing stories! Our last night in Paris we ate at a cute little French restaurant in our neighborhood, but the whole menu was in French! When we began to order we had to ask what everything on the menu was. The waitress tried to explain everything but when she got to shrimp she had to act it out and she kept saying “ocean” and “pink” over and over again. Very entertaining!

The food was definitely something I enjoyed! I can’t even explain how much I love crepes. Bananas, nutella, sugar.. I can’t really find anything bad about them except that they’re not exactly healthy. Every single pastry was delicious although that provided a funny experience when we tried to order something. Croissants, those I recognize but one of the labels said “escargot.” It took me a good five minutes to realize that they were not actually made out of snails but they were croissant-like pastries shaped into a spiral to look like a snail. Although I did step out of my box and actually order escargot when we were in the French restaurant. The menu was set up so that you got an appetizer, an entrée, and a dessert for a set price and you got to choose what you wanted from each category. I figured that since I would get an appetizer anyways I should go ahead and just try the escargot (I was the only one brave enough!). When they came out I almost gagged…They look a lot scarier in person! Eventually I worked up my courage to pluck them out of their shells and try them. Surprisingly, I actually liked them! They’re covered in butter, garlic and pesto so what’s bad?? I’m very glad I tried them, although I don’t know if they’ll be on my favorites list.

Everything in Paris is GIANT! I never expected the Eiffel Tower to be so big! Standing underneath it was incredible and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so little in my life! Not only did we visit the Eiffel Tower, but we went all the way to the top. It was definitely worth it because the view was amazing and I was able to see almost all of Paris. We also managed to climb the 292 steps of the Arc de Triomphe to stand on the top of it. Unfortunately, once we’d conquered the spiral staircase it was pouring outside…that’s an understatement. I could barely take pictures because I was getting water in my eyes and it was coming down so hard I thought I’d drop my camera. Good thing Dad lent me his waterproof and shockproof camera! Notre Dame was awesome considering that I had just finished learning about Gothic cathedrals in my Spanish Art History class so I felt like I could intelligently talk about the architecture (although only in Spanish!). We walked down the Champs-Elysees and managed to make it to the Louvre. We didn’t actually go inside the Louvre because the line was so long, but someday I’d love to return. We were so busy, but we made it to the site of the Bastille although the prison isn't there anymore. 

Oh! I've also posted a picture of the Pont de las Artes. This is the bridge where couples come and place a lock on the bridge and then throw their keys into the water. Legend is that if your lock withstands time then so will your love!

What an amazing trip!

My snails!

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