Monday, July 4, 2011

¡Viva España!

I made it!!!!! After 12 hours of traveling I finally made it to Valladolid! I've moved in to a three bedroom apartment with my host family consisting of a mom and her 22 year old son. We all share one bathroom, but it hasn't been too terrible so far.

My meals have been quite interesting though. For lunch yesterday she served me a chicken, some fried thing, and vegetables covered in mayo. I ate it, although it wasn't my favorite. For dinner, I ate a salad with tomatoes, white asparagus, and olives. Be proud, I ate a salad.

Since we're not able to celebrate 4th of July with everyone in the states, we are planning on going out tonight in our american colors of red, white and blue!

More to come, since this is only my first day of class!


  1. sounds like your gonna starve over there

  2. A Salad!!! How Proud I have to be right now. The one restroom thingy, not so much fun I'm sure w/the 22yr old. Scared to ask, did you find out what that fried thing really was? Sounds like it's off to a wonderful start. DISFRUTAR!!! Azelea
